Jan. 19, 2025

1108: Hyperawareness, Feedback Loops, and Anxiety: Listener Q and A

1108: Hyperawareness, Feedback Loops, and Anxiety: Listener Q and A

Gina talks about the importance of attention for our mental state and how it can provoke cycles of hyperawareness and further increases in sensory disturbances. These cycles of sensory anomaly and increased attention lead to cycles that can spiral into severe anxiety if not outright panic. Listen in for tips on how to avoid these cycles of catastrophic thinking and learn how to set yourself up for more peace and calm even in the face of uncertainty.

In today's episode, Gina talks about the importance of attention for our mental state and how it can provoke cycles of hyperawareness and further increases in sensory disturbances. These cycles of sensory anomaly and increased attention lead to cycles that can spiral into severe anxiety if not outright panic. Listen in for tips on how to avoid these cycles of catastrophic thinking and learn how to set yourself up for more peace and calm even in the face of uncertainty.

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The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.

–William James


0:42 Welcome and Introduction

2:10 Listener's Concern on Health Anxiety

4:08 Understanding the Feedback Loop

9:43 Breaking the Cycle of Hyper-Awareness

14:33 Techniques to Manage Sensations

17:23 Trusting Your Body’s Signals

18:57 Caution with Online Medical Advice

19:40 Conclusion and Reflection

Long Summary

In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, I delve into the concept of hyper-awareness, feedback loops, and their connection to anxiety. The discussion is sparked by a concern from an anonymous listener who shared their experience with heightened attention to bodily sensations following a period of health anxiety. They expressed feelings of discomfort with sensations like itching and tingling, and a fear that their anxiety might be manifesting physically. This common struggle highlights the intricate relationships between our mental state and our body's responses.

I emphasize the importance of recognizing the feedback loop created by focusing on these sensations. When we fixate on a particular feeling, like an itch or a tightness in the chest, our brains label these sensations as threats, activating our amygdala and increasing our anxiety levels. This hyper-awareness can become all-consuming, leading us to ignore other sensations in our bodies and spiral deeper into worry. I want listeners to understand that this experience is normal yet manageable, and that it can be addressed through conscious strategies.

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