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Dec. 17, 2023

987: Part 1 Claire Weekes Facing Philosophy Dismantling Anxiety Step By Step

Gina discusses the first and often overlooked step of Claire Weekes' program for overcoming anxiety: facing. By adopting an attitude of acceptance and confronting our fears, we become empowered to manage and overcome anxiety. As we begin to embody the concept that discomfort is not dangerous, we become more receptive to our anxiety sensations and are able to minimize and overcome them over time. Listen in for more details about Claire Weekes' approach to facing and overcoming anxiety!

In today's episode, Gina discusses the first and often overlooked step of Claire Weekes' program for overcoming anxiety: facing. By adopting an attitude of acceptance and confronting our fears, we become empowered to manage and overcome anxiety. As we begin to embody the concept that discomfort is not dangerous, we become more receptive to our anxiety sensations and are able to minimize and overcome them over time. Listen in for more details about Claire Weekes' approach to facing and overcoming anxiety!

Link to Claire Weekes Hope and Help For Your Nerves

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What is anxiety?


Remember, you are not alone in your struggle. Others have faced anxiety and found their way through. You can too

-Claire Weekes


0:00:24 Introduction to Claire Weeks' Facing Philosophy

0:01:23 Claire Weeks: A Pioneer in Anxiety Management

0:07:53 Introduction to the First Element: Facing Anxiety

0:15:02 Overcoming Fear and Facing Anxiety

0:16:09 Anxiety is Temporary and Manageable

0:17:06 Part Two: Practical Steps in Facing Anxiety


In this episode of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, we delve into the philosophy of Claire Weeks, a renowned Australian psychiatrist who revolutionized the field of anxiety management. Weeks developed four essential elements for effectively managing anxiety: facing, acceptance, floating, and letting time pass. Her practical and accessible approaches have resonated with individuals seeking tangible tools to overcome anxiety disorders. By emphasizing the role of the nervous system in anxiety development and perpetuation, Weeks empowers individuals to take an active role in their recovery through self-help techniques.

Today, we focus on the first element of Weeks' philosophy: facing anxiety. Facing involves acknowledging and accepting anxious feelings rather than avoiding or suppressing them. By breaking the cycle of fear and avoidance, we can reduce anxiety's power and interrupt the pattern of escalating fear. Weeks believes in gradually exposing ourselves to anxiety triggers and becoming accustomed to them over time. Merely having knowledge of these concepts is not enough; we must actively work on facing anxiety, understanding that discomfort in itself is not dangerous. By adopting an attitude of acceptance and confronting our fears, we become empowered to manage and overcome anxiety.

Weeks' philosophy highlights the temporary and manageable nature of anxiety, instilling confidence in individuals to navigate their journey towards recovery. Although initially met with skepticism from her colleagues, her ideas remain influential in the field of anxiety management. In our next episode, we will delve deeper into the practical steps of facing anxiety, providing a step-by-step approach for overcoming this challenging condition. Remember, you are not alone in this struggle, and with the right tools and mindset, you have the ability to conquer anxiety, just as countless others have done before you.

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