Nov. 28, 2018

460: Mini Coaching Session with ACP Listener Laurie

460: Mini Coaching Session with ACP Listener Laurie

Coach Gina shares with listeners a mini coaching session with ACP listener Laurie. Laurie has been struggling with anxiety with some time and experiences the most acute episodes around driving.

In today's episode, Coach Gina shares with listeners a mini coaching session with ACP listener Laurie. Laurie has been struggling with anxiety with some time and experiences the most acute episodes around driving. Coach Gina offers a range of suggestions in this session, including using a physiological tactic to initiate a break in the anxiety panic cycle in its early stages. Listen in for Coach Gina's wisdom and advice!

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We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny, but what we put into it is ours.

-Dag Hammarkskjold

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