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Podcast Episodes Catalog

Nov. 15, 2020

665: The Anxiety Of Change and Uncertain

Gina discusses the affects of uncertainty and change on anxiety.
Nov. 11, 2020

664: How to Talk to People About Your Anxiety

Gina discusses the topic of sharing your anxiety with others.
Nov. 8, 2020

663: 7 Anxiety Producing Habits From Living A Distracted Life

Gina discusses the consequences of living a life full of distraction.
Nov. 4, 2020

662: The Limits of Logic and Containment For Anxiety

Gina discusses the use of logical thinking as a technique to limit anxiety.
Nov. 1, 2020

661: Gratitude As A Way Of Living and Soothing Anxiety

Gina explores the emotional-mental state of gratitude as a way of living.
Oct. 28, 2020

660: Are You Frustrated With Anxiety Reappearing

Gina discusses the many reasons why anxiety has a tendency to reappear after we have made some progress in our recovery.
Oct. 25, 2020

659: Why Do We Continue Following Anxious Fearful Thoughts

Gina discusses the ancient brain and how it uses anxiety and other distressing feelings to protect us from harmful things in our environment.
Oct. 21, 2020

658: The Many Ways to Keep a Journal For Anxiety

Gina discusses the importance of keeping a journal for anxiety recovery.
Oct. 18, 2020

657: Does Other People's Pain Trigger Your Anxiety

Gina discusses the issue of empathy and how people with anxiety are often prone to suffer over the pain of others.
Oct. 14, 2020

656: Don't Give Up On Clearing Your Anxiety

Gina discusses the importance of persistence in your anxiety clearing journey.
Oct. 11, 2020

655: 5 Stoic Steps To Help Ease Your Anxiety

Gina discusses the ancient philosophy of stoicism and how it influenced and helped her with her own journey through anxiety.
Oct. 7, 2020

654: Acceptance How To Do It

Gina discusses a key strategy for anxiety management and clearing: acceptance.
Oct. 4, 2020

653: Do I Need To Treat Each Different Type Anxiety Separately

Gina discusses the range of "disorders" that can be included under the umbrella term of "anxiety".
Sept. 30, 2020

652: Sometimes I Feel Crazy

Gina discusses the experience of thinking you are going crazy as a result of your anxiety.
Sept. 27, 2020

651: What's With The Lump In My Throat

Gina discusses a unique symptom many anxiety sufferers experience: the lump in the throat sensation.
Sept. 23, 2020

650: What You Need To Know About The Physical Effects Of Anxiety

Gina discusses the physiological side of anxiety and how to use our knowledge of the body to heal and clear our anxiety.
Sept. 20, 2020

649: 9 Ways You Can Reduce Your Stress

Gina discusses nine practical ways to reduce stress.
Sept. 16, 2020

648: How Do You Respond To Stress And Why It Matters

Gina discusses the important influence of stress in our lives and experience of anxiety.
Sept. 13, 2020

647: Why Mindfulness Helps With Anxiety

Gina discusses the how and why of mindfulness' effects on anxiety.
Sept. 9, 2020

646: Courage Is Feeling Afraid And Acting Anyway

Gina discusses courage and fear as they relate to anxiety.
Sept. 6, 2020

645: Loving Yourself Through Your Anxiety Challenges

Gina discusses the importance of self-love and self-compassion, especially in the face of anxiety.
Sept. 2, 2020

644: Finding Support For Your Anxiety

Gina discusses the many ways you can find external support for your anxiety.
Aug. 30, 2020

643: Schedule A Time For Your Anxious Worrying

Gina offers listeners a technique to help compartmentalize some of the thoughts that induce anxiety and ultimately learn more about them or free yourself outright from them.
Aug. 26, 2020

642: Mindfulness Meditation To Strengthen Your Nervous System

Gina discusses the benefits of mindfulness and meditation for strengthening the nervous system and reducing anxiety.