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Podcast Episodes Catalog

March 8, 2020

593: World News Stress Fear vs. Anxiety

Gina discusses current events and how they may be affecting us and our anxiety.
March 4, 2020

592: How To Not Be So Hard On Yourself And Keep Anxiety At Bay

Gina discusses the role of self-criticism in making our anxiety worse and offers a range of practices we can employ today to silence these self-critical voices.
March 1, 2020

591: Understanding Anxiety And Your Brain's Ability To Change

Gina discusses anxiety in the context of the brain and its malleable, changeable nature.
Feb. 26, 2020

590: Anxiety Panic and Your Path To Freedom

Gina discusses an email sent in by a listener about using the suffering inherent in the anxiety experience to actually become a pathway through which we are able to transform ourselves and our lives and overcome anxiety.
Feb. 23, 2020

589: The Power Of Self Care For Highly Sensitive Anxious People

Gina answers a listener question about anxiety and highly sensitive people.
Feb. 19, 2020

588: How to Cope With Panic Attacks

Gina discusses strategies for coping with panic attacks: from understanding how to recognize a panic attack to outlining long-term lifestyle changes that will help you get better control over your state of mind.
Feb. 16, 2020

587: Why Do I Get Anxious When I Relax

Gina discusses a frequently mentioned problem among listeners of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast: relaxation induced anxiety.
Feb. 12, 2020

586: Looking For The Silver Lining To Quiet Anxious Thoughts

Gina describes the great value of optimistic thinking in help quiet and soothe the anxious mind.
Feb. 9, 2020

585: Calming Anxiety With A Mindful Walk

Gina describes a wonderful tool for helping to calm anxiety: the mindful walk.
Feb. 5, 2020

584: Prevent Panic Attacks With This Sure Fire Method

Gina shares a highly effective process for preventing panic attacks.
Feb. 2, 2020

583: Four Tips to Avoid Depression During the Winter Months

Gina discusses how the reduction in sunlight during winter months can contribute to and even cause low mood and other symptoms of depression.
Jan. 29, 2020

582: 5 Reasons To Live In The Now And Take Each Day As It Comes

Gina offers the present moment as the point of emphasis of her discussion.
Jan. 26, 2020

581: How to Help Free Yourself From Anxiety

Gina discusses a number of ways you can help free yourself from anxiety.
Jan. 22, 2020

580: Conquering Anxiety With Affirmations

Gina describes the powerful tool of positive affirmations and how to use them to calm and eliminate anxiety.
Jan. 19, 2020

579: What Is Depression

Gina discusses depression, both as a condition in its own right and in the context of anxiety.
Jan. 15, 2020

578: Lift Your Mood With Your Environment

Gina talks about the importance of our living environment for our overall emotional well-being.
Jan. 12, 2020

577: Remembering your Self Worth Despite Dealing With Anxiety

Gina shares a number of strategies for maintaining a sense of positive self worth, even in the face of adverse circumstances and high anxiety.
Jan. 8, 2020

576: Classic ACP 4 Steps to Avoid Anxiety By Your Being Aware Of Your Expectations

Expectations and goals when do they help and when do they hurt? Listen in for the value of being aware of when your expectations are dragging you towards the wormhole of anxiety-panic.
Jan. 5, 2020

575: Classic ACP How Anxiety and Fear Drive Busyness

Today Gina discusses 4 ways to unravel the attachment to busyness. Learn the steps to take to reconnect with yourself and make choices that are actions versus reactions.
Jan. 1, 2020

574: Classic ACP Loving Kindness Meditation

In this episode, coach Gina leads a guided meditation of loving kindness. Take a moment for yourself and enjoy the peace and joy inherently available to you at this time.
Dec. 29, 2019

573: Classic ACP How to Find Space in a Busy Anxious Mind

Busy mind or anxious mind both need space and time to let the glitter in the snow globe settle. Listen in today as Gina talks about how to do just that!
Dec. 25, 2019

572: Precious Joyful Winter Moments Guided Meditation

Gina guides listeners on a special guided meditation full of beautiful imagery of a winter forest scene.
Dec. 22, 2019

571: Classic ACP Are You Clearing or Managing Your Anxiety?

There is more life to be lived beyond managing your anxiety-panic. If you want to be in that sweet spot be sure to listen in as we discover the difference between clearing and managing your anxiety!
Dec. 18, 2019

570: 1.5 Minute Anxiety U-Turn

Gina shares a highly useful technique of stopping the infiltration of anxiety-panic when in tense or otherwise stressful circumstances.