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Podcast Episodes Catalog

April 7, 2019

497: Classic ACP How To Reduce Anxiety And Enjoy Better Sleep

Being awake in the middle of the night can be unnerving. There are 7 tips in today's episode to help you get the best rest possible even if you wake and can't get back to sleep!
April 3, 2019

496: Aromatherapy for Anxiety

Gina shares her knowledge and experience of aromatherapy and essential oils in the context of anxiety. Gina suggests a whole range of oils you can try today and gets specific with five oils.
March 31, 2019

495: Listener Q and A Breathing and Anxiety

Gina shares a question from a listener in Russia relating to the breath and anxiety. Gina speaks about her own experience with the breath during the anxious period of her life and how we can use the breath to help control an…
March 27, 2019

494: Faith In The Process Of Clearing Anxiety Panic

Gina shares a letter sent to her by an ACP listener and former guest on the show, Michelle. Michelle relates to Gina a success story about a recent long distance trip she took with her family by car.
March 24, 2019

493: Nutrition and Herbs for Anxiety

Gina shares her knowledge of nutrition and herbs in the context of anxiety. Gina recommends foods and herbs that help alleviate and reduce anxiety while also indicating what foods and herbs to avoid to keep from making anxie…
March 20, 2019

492: Laughter to Help Ease Your Anxiety

Gina shares her knowledge and wisdom of laughter. Laughter has numerous health benefits for all people can can be especially important for people suffering with anxiety.
March 17, 2019

491: Using EFT Tapping for Anxiety Panic

Gina shares information about EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) and tapping. Tapping helps with negative thoughts and emotions by combining positive affirmations with the body's meridian system (acupuncture points).
March 13, 2019

490: Guided Exercise Looking Back At A Recent Anxious Situation

Gina guides listeners through a contemplative meditation exercise. In this exercise, we look back at a recent episode of anxiety and consider what thoughts and environmental factors affected us and how we reacted.
March 10, 2019

489: How Acceptance and Change Help With Anxiety

Gina talks about the importance of acceptance and change in healing anxiety. In particular, Gina discusses the benefits of allowing our anxiety experience to unfold, in contrast to fighting the anxiety and trying (often desp…
March 6, 2019

488: Why Avoidance and Aversion Don't Help With Anxiety

Gina discusses avoidance and aversion in the context of anxiety. Included in this discussion is an emphasis on the importance of how we interpret signals and information that we are perceiving and how very often we are able …
March 3, 2019

487: Wisdom From The Tribe With Kelli

Gina has a guest from the ACP tribe: Kelli. Kelli was a full ACP group coaching member, then a mini member and is now leaving after having progressed substantially in her healing journey and largely cleared her anxiety.
Feb. 27, 2019

486: Solitude as a Healing Salve for Stress and Anxiety

Gina discusses a blog post by Leo Babauta about solitude and its importance in our lives. Using this post, Gina helps connect the dots between our cultivation and embrace of solitude and our healing and recovery from stress …
Feb. 24, 2019

485: Cultivating Mindfulness To Heal Anxiety

Gina discusses the importance of cultivating mindfulness in order to heal anxiety using a Blinkist of Jon Kabat-Zinn's Wherever You Go There You Are.
Feb. 20, 2019

484: Stress Anxiety and Eating Habits

Gina discusses how stress and anxiety affect our eating habits. Along with describing some of the physiology involved in the stress response, Gina offers listeners methods and tools to bring mindfulness to bear on the situat…
Feb. 17, 2019

483: The Highly Sensitive Person and Anxiety

Gina discusses a topic that has come up in the ACP group coaching membership program recently, the idea of the highly sensitive person.
Feb. 13, 2019

482: Mini Coaching Session with ACP Listener Susan

Gina shares a mini coaching session with listeners. Today's client is Susan, who has suffered with anxiety for some time, observing its adverse affects on her work life and personal relationships.
Feb. 10, 2019

481: Classic ACP Medication For Anxiety Yes or No

Medications are often the first offering to people who ask for help with anxiety and panic.
Feb. 6, 2019

480: Mini Coaching Session with ACP Listener Kristine

Gina conducts a mini coaching session with ACP listener Kristine. In this session, Kristine talks about her experience with anxiety and particular situations in which she experiences it most: driving, air travel and work mee…
Feb. 3, 2019

479: 10 Tips For Responding To Life with Gratefulness vs Fear

Gina shares with listeners ten tips for responding to life with gratefulness rather than fear. The source of these suggestions is an article by Kristi Nelson linked below.
Jan. 30, 2019

478: Group member Q and A How do I Just Let Things Be

Gina answers a question from a member of the ACP Group Coaching membership program. The group member asks: how do I just let things be?
Jan. 27, 2019

477: Anxiety Blood Sugar and Nutrition

Gina discusses how blood sugar and nutrition influence our experience of anxiety. Right eating, particularly a whole foods, plant based diet can do wonders for our health, in both body and mind.
Jan. 23, 2019

476: Lake Meditation For Anxiety

Gina shares with listeners a new meditation for anxiety: the Lake Meditation. Take a moment to get comfortable and listen in as Gina guides us through a meditation with nature imagery, breath awareness, healing and peace.
Jan. 20, 2019

475: Letting Your Body Turn Down The Stress

Gina discusses the importance of learning to stimulate your vagus nerve, thereby enabling your body to reduce the stress and anxiety you may be experiencing.
Jan. 16, 2019

474: Working With Anxiety's Roots

Gina discusses anxiety's roots, including the notion of signal anxiety, which involves the anxiety we experience around the content of our own minds (thoughts).