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Podcast Episodes Catalog

July 5, 2020

627: 7 Easy Practices To Quiet Your Anxiety

Gina shares seven practices to help quite your anxiety symptoms. Many of these practices revolve around gratitude, including thinking and journaling.
July 1, 2020

626: Using The Power Of Gratitude To Clear Anxiety

Gina continues her discussion of gratitude and its power as a tool to eliminate anxiety.
June 28, 2020

625: Move Over Anxiety Gratitude Is Moving In

Gina discusses the power of the grateful mind and soul in improving one's life and eliminating chronic anxiety.
June 24, 2020

624: Homeopathy Options For Anxiety Relief

Gina suggests that is takes courage to live with such great stress and anxiety and to still move forward through life and recovery.
June 21, 2020

623: FEAR As False Evidence Appearing Real

Gina discusses the role of False Evidence Appearing Real for anxiety sufferers.
June 17, 2020

622: Anxiety, Sobriety And Finding Peace

Gina airs and responds to a Speakpipe message from ACP listener Brenda regarding her success with sobriety and overcoming addiction.
June 14, 2020

621: Moving Forward With Courage

Gina suggests that is takes courage to live with such great stress and anxiety and to still move forward through life and recovery.
June 10, 2020

620: Letting Go As A Way To Clear Out Stress And Anxiety

Gina discusses using the technique of letting go to help clear anxiety.
June 7, 2020

619: Practicing Mindfulness For More Peace And Calm

Gina discusses the importance of mindfulness as a technique for increasing your sense of peace and calm.
June 3, 2020

618: How To Avoid Anxious Overthinking

Gina addresses the issue of overthinking and how it is often closely associated with anxiety.
May 31, 2020

617: Easing Anxiety By Clearing Out Doubt

Gina discusses the relationship between doubt and anxiety.
May 27, 2020

616: Leaning Towards Happiness

Gina instructs listeners in a way of interpreting your thoughts that can help alleviate anxiety and cultivate more peace and happiness.
May 24, 2020

615: The Trouble With Caffeine When You Are Anxious Part 2

Gina continues and concludes her discussion about the readily available benefits of discontinuing caffeine intake for anxiety sufferers.
May 20, 2020

614: The Trouble With Caffeine When You Are Anxious Part 1

Gina discusses the many ways caffeine causes problems for people who experience frequent bouts with anxiety.
May 17, 2020

613: Inner Dimmer Switch Lights Your Way To More Peace And Calm

Gina discusses how to use the light of reality and truth to enhance your sense of peace and calm.
May 13, 2020

612: Anxiety And Stress Reducing Essential Oils For You To Try

Gina discusses the value of adding essential oils to your toolkit for anxiety and stress reduction.
May 10, 2020

611: Radical Acceptance For Living With More Peace

Gina discusses the greatly powerful tool of radical acceptance for overcoming anxiety.
May 6, 2020

610: 7 Reasons Everyone Should Keep A Journal Right Now

Gina goes through a list of reasons for keeping a journal.
May 3, 2020

609: 4 Ways You Are Being Awesome Not A Victim In The Covid 19 Crisis

Gina explores why you are not a victim during the current COVID-19 pandemic.
April 29, 2020

608: How To Deal With The Fear That Anxiety Is Coming Again

Gina responds to a listener email, sharing key wisdom regarding the importance of checking the second fear or the fear of the fear of having an anxiety-panic attack.
April 26, 2020

607: Why You Should Keep Listening To The Show

Gina suggests why continued listening to the Anxiety Coaches Podcast, even after significant recovery from anxiety, can continue to benefit listeners.
April 22, 2020

606: Health Anxiety During A Pandemic

Gina responds to a listener question about how to handle health anxiety during the corona virus pandemic.
April 19, 2020

605: Anxiety Self Care Where To Begin

Gina discusses some of the core fundamentals of self-care.
April 15, 2020

604: The Back And Forth Motion Of Clearing Anxiety

Gina talks about the upward spiral of healing that anxiety recovery can be.