Free 10 minute Body-Scan Meditation For More Peace and Calm

Podcast Episodes Catalog

March 27, 2022

807: 5 Herbal Teas to Reduce Your Anxiety and Support Sleep

In today's episode, Gina reviews a useful component of the anxiety relief toolkit:  herbal teas.  These five herbs can have a profoundly soothing and relaxing effect on our minds and bodies.  These herbs can promote sleep an…
March 23, 2022

806: 5 Way Pets Reduce Your Anxiety And Bring You Health And Happiness

In today's episode, Gina discusses the miraculous benefits pets can have for anxiety and overall mental health.  Five specific ways companion animals and even house plants or gardens benefit people's general well-being are i…
March 20, 2022

805: Classic ACP Feeling Stuck In Anxiety and How To Break Free

In this episode, Gina offers tips and steps to help you break free when feeling like you are stuck in anxiety.  Gina emphasizes that clearing anxiety is a process and not an overnight, quick fix.  Talking with family or frie…
March 16, 2022

804: Reflections and Affirmations Promoting Calm Flowing Energy

In today's episode, Gina shares a large number of reflections and affirmations to help provide yourself with calm and soothing.  Using the power of language and your own voice, you can improve your inner state and keep yours…
March 13, 2022

803: Easy Actions To Jump Start More Peace And Calm

In today's episode, Gina shares some actionable steps you can take to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and immediately increase your sense of peace and calm.  Learning to reside with the rest and digest side of yo…
March 9, 2022

802: Mindfulness Basics for Stress Anxiety and Panic

In today's episode, Gina covers important content relating to the value of mindfulness for those suffering with high stress, anxiety and panic.  Mindfulness fundamentals are discussed as are easy to implement steps to get st…
March 6, 2022

801: Anxiety Overstimulation And High Sensitivity Listener Q and A

Gina responds to a listener question regarding highly sensitive individuals and the overwhelm and anxiety caused by sensory stimulation.  The category of highly sensitive individuals is discussed as are practices that can be…
March 2, 2022

800: How To Build Resilience Out Of The Anxiety Struggle

In today's episode, Gina shares some wisdom regarding the possible benefits inherent in the anxiety struggle, particularly in terms of building lifelong resilience.  Four specific techniques are shared to enable this process…
Feb. 27, 2022

799: 5 Ways to Relieve The Anxiety Of People Pleasing

In today's episode, Gina shares five methods for reducing people pleasing behaviors and the anxiety related to people pleasing.  Not everyone with anxiety is a people pleaser, but very often anxiety accompanies those with pe…
Feb. 23, 2022

798: Don't Misuse Your Imagination

In today's episode, Gina discusses the power of the human imagination and how to keep it under control it to reduce anxiety.  Ideally, we don't want to completely suppress our imagination, lest we lose our humanity.  Also, b…
Feb. 20, 2022

797: How Attachment Fuels Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina discusses how attachment to thoughts increases our experience of anxiety.  This is a frequent, core cause of chronic anxiety.  A number of techniques to grow out of this tendency are included, in par…
Feb. 16, 2022

796: Stress Fatigue and Your Adrenals

In today's episode, Gina discusses adrenal fatigue and stress.  The symptoms of adrenal fatigue are identified (such as brain fog and weakness) as are ways to avoid it.  How to heal from adrenal fatigue after it has set in i…
Feb. 13, 2022

795: Delayed Response To Stress Anxiety Can Increase After Stress

In today's episode, Gina discusses a phenomenon in which anxiety increases to stress in a delayed manner.  Understanding this phenomenon can help you better respond to the stress and anxiety and know that you are alright.  T…
Feb. 9, 2022

794: Positive Tips to Greater Peace And Calm

In today's episode, Gina discusses tips for handling life's challenges with a positive attitude.  Using the salve of positivity, we can absorb the difficulties and stress life throws at us with greater ease.  Doing this will…
Feb. 6, 2022

793: The Cycle of Stress Physical Pain and Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina discusses the role of physical pain in chronic anxiety.  A not often talked about topic here on ACP, physical pain, stress and anxiety can combine to wreak havoc on our bodies and our minds.  Listen …
Feb. 2, 2022

792: How Second Fear Drives Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina discusses a key driving factor in chronic anxiety:  second fear.  The nature of how second fear drives anxiety is discussed as are methods for removing the threat of second fear, namely acceptance.  …
Jan. 30, 2022

791: Let Contentment Wipe Out Unhappiness And Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina offers listeners a thinking technique for reducing and eliminating unhappiness and anxiety.  Learning to embrace the things we have in life and seeing the beauty and blessings around us can help us c…
Jan. 26, 2022

790: Anxiety and your Stomach Issues

In today's episode, Gina discusses the effects of anxiety on stomach issues, IBS and indigestion.  Activation of the sympathetic nervous system and our fight or flight response can have dramatic effects on our digestive syst…
Jan. 23, 2022

789 Classic ACP Anxiety and Attachment 4 Ways To Let Go A Little Easier

In this episode, Gina discusses how attachment to the world, our experience and various entities can substantially impact (increase) our anxiety.  Gina draws a clear distinction between attachment and acceptance and suggests…
Jan. 19, 2022

788: 12 Easy Ways To Reduce Stress

In today's episode, Gina shares 12 activities that will help you reduce stress.  High stress is a common cause of anxiety and there are many easy ways to reduce the total amount of stress in our lives.  Listen in for easy to…
Jan. 16, 2022

787: Has Anxiety Got You Seeking Reassurance

In today's episode, Gina discusses the behavior of excessively seeking reassurance. Anxiety sufferers often find comfort in seeking reassurance and fall into excessive behavior. Learn how to identify excessive reassurance se…
Jan. 12, 2022

786: 5 Tips To Build A Simple Meditation Practice

In today's episode, Gina goes through the critical process of getting started with a meditation practice.  The many powerful benefits of meditation are covered as are five tips to help you get started with your own practice.…
Jan. 9, 2022

785: Getting Through Withdrawal Or Waves Of Depression And Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina responds to a listener email about medication withdrawal and the waves of suffering this can cause in an individual's experience.  Using natural approaches to maintain our health and well-being can b…
Jan. 5, 2022

784: Overthinking And Social Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina discusses the vast topic of social anxiety.  In particular, there is a focus on how overthinking can aggravate our social anxiety.  Advice on how to think as we go about our lives in social situation…