Free 10 minute Body-Scan Meditation For More Peace and Calm

Podcast Episodes Catalog

Jan. 2, 2022

783: Easing Anxiety By Changing Your Story

In today's episode, Gina shares five steps to change your personal narrative for anxiety clearing and general life improvement.  From facing, accepting and moving through your fear to general decluttering of your mind, these…
Dec. 29, 2021

782: Classic ACP Signs of Stress Overload

In this episode, Gina discusses stress and stress overload.  The signs of stress, the sources of stress, the effects of stress and key ways to manage stress.  Everyone has exposure to stress inducing factors in their lives (…
Dec. 26, 2021

781: Giving Yourself Love and Kindness Guided Meditation

In today's episode, Gina offers a guided meditation designed to help listeners share with themselves the benevolent healing energies of loving kindness.  Use these simple statements while sitting in gentle repose to help soo…
Dec. 22, 2021

780: 8 Ways You Unconsciously Add To Your Mental Distress

In today's episode, Gina discusses eight tendencies people have that contribute to their stress and anxiety load.  Additionally, remedies and alternatives to these behaviors and thought patterns are included.  Listen in to m…
Dec. 19, 2021

779: Appreciation And Gratitude Pave The Way To Peace And Calm

In today's episode, Gina discusses Symptom of Inner Peace Number 8: Frequent, overwhelming episodes of appreciation.  Included is some content pertaining to Gina's personal story with anxiety and the Symptoms of Inner Peace.…
Dec. 15, 2021

778: Classic ACP Circling the Wormhole of Anxiety While Healing

In today's episode Gina talks about the inevitable revisiting of the anxiety wormhole as we progress in our healing.  It is natural and common to experience temporary setbacks as we grow through our experience of anxiety-pan…
Dec. 12, 2021

777: Cultivating an Upbeat Attitude

In today's episode, Gina discusses the immediate and long term benefits of developing and maintaining a positive attitude.  Positive thinking over time leads to positive results.  Listen in to learn how to steer yourself tow…
Dec. 8, 2021

776: Classic ACP Listener Q and A Medication No Longer Working

What to do when you are faced with your medications no longer working? Everything we do here at Anxiety Coaches Podcast can be done if you are on or not on medications. Today Gina answers a question a listener sent to us on …
Dec. 5, 2021

775: Morning Anxiety And Stress At Work Listener Q and A

In today's episode, Gina answers a listener question regarding morning anxiety.  Morning anxiety afflicts many who suffer from anxiety and relates to the stress hormone cortisol release that helps us awaken from sleep in the…
Dec. 1, 2021

774: Perceiving Threats And Heightened Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina discusses threats, threat perception and our response to them.  People suffering with anxiety often have an overactive and oversensitive threat detection process (amygdala) occurring that results in …
Nov. 28, 2021

773: Benefits of Solitude for the Anxious

In today's episode, Gina discusses the immense benefits solitude can have for individuals suffering with anxiety.  Included are a number of practical ways to easily increase and improve beneficial solitude in one's life.  Li…
Nov. 24, 2021

772: How To Bring Your Anxious Mind Back To the Spacious Present

In today's episode, Gina discusses using mindfulness and meditation to help quiet anxiety.  Returning our attention to the breath is a powerful tool for living peacefully in the present moment.  Learn how to make your presen…
Nov. 21, 2021

771: Classic ACP Anxious Thinking vs Wise Mind Thinking

Coming to the realization that all one's thinking isn't true can be a major breakthrough for the anxiety clearing process! Anxiety is very loud and very demanding and we tend to jump when it speaks. Today Gina points the way…
Nov. 17, 2021

770: Transforming Stress For More Peace and Calm

In today's episode, Gina discusses defusing and reducing stress, particularly through the practices of mantra and meditation.  Drawing from the works of Eknath Easwaran, the virtues of these practices are elucidated and spec…
Nov. 14, 2021

769: Facing Discomforts

In today's episode, Gina discusses the process of facing our discomforts.  A number of steps for how to approach and execute facing our stressful situations and anxiety provoking factors are provided.  Embracing the difficul…
Nov. 10, 2021

768: Mantra And More For Your Nervous System

In today's episode, Gina further explores the topic of mantra and how this important tool can help you in your anxiety recovery.  Proper selection and use of a mantra can be like throwing yourself a life preserver when the w…
Nov. 7, 2021

767: Classic ACP Do The Changing Seasons Make Your Anxiety Surge

In today's episode, Gina shares her wisdom regarding the impact of changing seasons on anxiety.  Listen in for many suggestions and tips to make your transition to and endurance of the winter months more comfortable and less…
Nov. 3, 2021

766: Deep Wisdom Of The Heart To Help Ease Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina shares with listeners the work of Eknath Easwaran and his deep insights into the benefits of practicing meditation.  Specifically, a technique of meditation is shared that uses the repetition of insp…
Oct. 31, 2021

765: Anxiety As A Haunted House

In today's episode, Gina answers a listener question that considers anxiety metaphorically as a haunted house.  The core ACP toolkit is unpacked and explained in a way that can help you clam down when you find yourself in th…
Oct. 27, 2021

764: EFT Tapping Technique For Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina shares a thorough tutorial on how to use EFT tapping to improve peace and calm when faced with anxiety.  Tapping is an essential tool for many who suffer with anxiety.  The process shared in this epi…
Oct. 24, 2021

763: Practical Neuroscience of Happiness

In today's episode, Gina discusses a book by Dr. Rick Hanson entitled Buddha's Brain regarding the brain, mindfulness and happiness.  Topics include using self-kindness to help create the best future reality for yourself and…
Oct. 20, 2021

762: Tips For Working With Mindfulness Challenges

In today's episode, Gina discusses challenges clients and listeners face when trying to adopt mindfulness as a way of life.  From sleepiness to doubt and desire, a range of challenges are identified and a number of remedies …
Oct. 17, 2021

761: What Mindfulness Really Is

In today's show, Gina further discusses mindfulness and meditation and how easier they are to begin practicing.  Comments on benefits and techniques of meditation and mindfulness are included.  Interesting research about how…
Oct. 13, 2021

760: Being Mindful vs. Having Mind Full

In today's episode, Gina discusses the value of mindfulness.  From the basic body scan meditation available at the acp website to simply sitting with the breath or being present with the senses during mundane activities, inc…