Gina offers listeners a technique to help compartmentalize some of the thoughts that induce anxiety and ultimately learn more about them or free yourself outright from them.
Gina returns to the topic of fear and guides listeners through a list of questions designed to help them identify their specific fears and what is underlying them.
Gina discusses techniques that will enable you to use easy to implement changes in your body (such as through exercise, breathing, eating, rest and sleep) to affect your mind and alleviate your anxiety symptoms.
Gina discusses the basics of fear and its role in our anxiety. Fear has many benevolent roles in our existence under normal circumstances, but if it gets out of control can make our lives intolerable.
♡ SUPPORT THIS PODCAST ♡ In today's episode, Gina discusses driving anxiety and steps you can take to reduce and eliminate anxiety behind the wheel. The stress of driving and our desire for control are covered. Tips includin…