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Podcast Episodes Catalog

Aug. 16, 2020

639: Identify And Befriending Your Fears

Gina returns to the topic of fear and guides listeners through a list of questions designed to help them identify their specific fears and what is underlying them.
Aug. 12, 2020

638: Use Your Body To Change Your Anxiety

Gina discusses techniques that will enable you to use easy to implement changes in your body (such as through exercise, breathing, eating, rest and sleep) to affect your mind and alleviate your anxiety symptoms.
Aug. 9, 2020

637: Don't Let Fear Hold You Back

Gina discusses the basics of fear and its role in our anxiety. Fear has many benevolent roles in our existence under normal circumstances, but if it gets out of control can make our lives intolerable.
Aug. 5, 2020

636: How To Reduce Driving Anxiety

♡ SUPPORT THIS PODCAST ♡ In today's episode, Gina discusses driving anxiety and steps you can take to reduce and eliminate anxiety behind the wheel. The stress of driving and our desire for control are covered. Tips includin…
Aug. 2, 2020

635: How To Create New Neural Pathways

Gina discusses a Supercast subscriber question about how we build new neural pathways as we make new patterns of behaviors in our lives.
July 29, 2020

634: Depersonalization Symptoms And Solutions

Gina shares her answer to a group member question about the important anxiety symptom of depersonalization.
July 26, 2020

633: 4 Easy Additions For Better Sleep And Less Anxiety

Gina identifies four easy to use tools to help improve sleep and reduce anxiety.
July 22, 2020

632: Classic ACP Healing Anxiety With Relaxation

Relaxation! If you think you can't do it listen in for some super easy ideas for relaxing no matter where you are.
July 19, 2020

631: The Brain's Options Safe or Unsafe

Gina returns to the subject of the brain and frames an understanding of the brain along a continuum between safe and unsafe.
July 15, 2020

630: Chamomile to Calm Your Stress and Anxiety

Gina explores the many wonderful effects of Chamomile, especially as it helps to soothe anxiety.
July 12, 2020

629: The Anxious Yet Changeable Brain

Gina discusses the brain and contemporary thought concerning the plastic and changeable nature of the brain.
July 8, 2020

628: Using Rest to Loosen Your Anxiety

Gina discusses a blog post by Leo Babauta regarding the benefits of using rest to improve our well-being.
July 5, 2020

627: 7 Easy Practices To Quiet Your Anxiety

Gina shares seven practices to help quite your anxiety symptoms. Many of these practices revolve around gratitude, including thinking and journaling.
July 1, 2020

626: Using The Power Of Gratitude To Clear Anxiety

Gina continues her discussion of gratitude and its power as a tool to eliminate anxiety.
June 28, 2020

625: Move Over Anxiety Gratitude Is Moving In

Gina discusses the power of the grateful mind and soul in improving one's life and eliminating chronic anxiety.
June 24, 2020

624: Homeopathy Options For Anxiety Relief

Gina suggests that is takes courage to live with such great stress and anxiety and to still move forward through life and recovery.
June 21, 2020

623: FEAR As False Evidence Appearing Real

Gina discusses the role of False Evidence Appearing Real for anxiety sufferers.
June 17, 2020

622: Anxiety, Sobriety And Finding Peace

Gina airs and responds to a Speakpipe message from ACP listener Brenda regarding her success with sobriety and overcoming addiction.
June 14, 2020

621: Moving Forward With Courage

Gina suggests that is takes courage to live with such great stress and anxiety and to still move forward through life and recovery.
June 10, 2020

620: Letting Go As A Way To Clear Out Stress And Anxiety

Gina discusses using the technique of letting go to help clear anxiety.
June 7, 2020

619: Practicing Mindfulness For More Peace And Calm

Gina discusses the importance of mindfulness as a technique for increasing your sense of peace and calm.
June 3, 2020

618: How To Avoid Anxious Overthinking

Gina addresses the issue of overthinking and how it is often closely associated with anxiety.
May 31, 2020

617: Easing Anxiety By Clearing Out Doubt

Gina discusses the relationship between doubt and anxiety.
May 27, 2020

616: Leaning Towards Happiness

Gina instructs listeners in a way of interpreting your thoughts that can help alleviate anxiety and cultivate more peace and happiness.