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Podcast Episodes Catalog

June 23, 2019

519: How Much Reassurance Will It Take To Satisfy Your Anxiety

Gina discusses reassurance and how useful it can be to drop any need for reassurance from others.
June 19, 2019

518: How To Relieve Stress And Anxiety With Ashwaganda Herb

Gina discusses the many healing virtues of the ayurvedic herb ashwaganda.
June 16, 2019

517: Floating Practice For Anxiety Guided Meditation

Gina offers listeners a guided meditation practice that is intended to provide an example of a formal floating practice.
June 12, 2019

516: Reviewing Floating Technique vs. Executing Listener Q and A

Gina answers a listener question about the differences between understanding the process of floating and the actual implementation of floating techniques.
June 9, 2019

515: First Fear Second Fear and Anxiety

Gina discusses the important distinction between first fear and second fear in the realm of anxiety experience.
June 5, 2019

514: Flexible Mind vs Anxious Mind

Gina talks about developing a flexibility of mind to help us overcome our anxiety and strengthen our resolve against future flare ups of anxiety.
June 2, 2019

513: Belated Grief And Anxiety

Gina answers a speakpipe question from an ACP listener. The listener inquires with Gina about the possibility that the acute anxiety the listener is experiencing may stem from grief related to the loss of his mother.
May 29, 2019

512: Riding Out 8 Anxiety Triggering Feelings

Gina discusses a useful technique for reducing our experience of anxiety.
May 26, 2019

511: Understanding Your Nervous Systems Fear Cycle

Gina discusses fear in the context of the physical nervous system.
May 22, 2019

510: Anxiety Is Not A Forever Friend

Gina helps shed light in the darkness that people who suffer with highly chronic anxiety often experience.
May 19, 2019

509: Why Does Anxiety Come Back When You're Feeling Good?

Gina answers a listener question left for her on Speak Pipe, through the ACP website. Adrianne asks about why her anxiety returns during times when she is feeling good and otherwise comfortable.
May 15, 2019

508: Is Anxiety Telling You Who You Are?

Gina discusses our conception of our personal identity and the importance of not allowing anxiety to exert excessive influence over this conception.
May 12, 2019

507: Why We Need To Avoid Avoiding

Gina discusses the nature of the avoidance behavior that accompanies anxiety sufferers throughout their experience.
May 8, 2019

506: Letting Fear Be Your Teacher

Gina shares steps for adapting to any particular fears we may have and how to become more confident and comfortable by doing so.
May 5, 2019

505: Unconscious Mind and Stress

Gina shares her knowledge of the subconscious mind with listeners. Particularly in the context of anxiety and stress, Gina describes the differences between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind.
May 1, 2019

504: 4 Habits Keeping You Stuck In Anxious Behaviors

Gina identifies four root behaviors that cause anxiety and how you can avoid these behaviors to allow more peaceful, harmonious living.
April 28, 2019

503: Let Your Feelings Be Felt and Pass-Through

Gina speaks on the importance of feeling our feelings. Using the light of our awareness, we can bring uncomfortable emotions to the surface and keep them from infecting our psyches more deeply and causing us greater distress…
April 24, 2019

502: Alcohol Stress and Anxiety

Gina discusses the role of alcohol in our experience of anxiety. Alcohol can contribute tremendously to our experience of anxiety and can cause panic attacks.
April 21, 2019

501: 4 Tips For Using a Mindfulness Mantra For Anxiety

Gina discusses using a mindfulness mantra for anxiety. Mantra can be used during our mindfulness practices and can also be used throughout the day to help regain composure and comfort during the most difficult moments we may…
April 17, 2019

500: Easing Anxiety with Renewal and Replinishment

Gina uses the season of Spring to discuss renewal and replenishment as a strategy to ease anxiety.
April 14, 2019

499: Indecision and Your Anxiety

Gina discusses the issue of decision making and anxiety. Indecision is common among those who experience anxiety and Gina recommends a few steps for limiting indecision in your life.
April 10, 2019

498: Mini Coaching Session with ACP Listener Lindsay

, Gina shares a mini coaching session with ACP listener Lindsay. Lindsay describes her own personal struggle with anxiety, how she came to find the podcast and how the tools she has learned has helped her overcome much of he…
April 7, 2019

497: Classic ACP How To Reduce Anxiety And Enjoy Better Sleep

Being awake in the middle of the night can be unnerving. There are 7 tips in today's episode to help you get the best rest possible even if you wake and can't get back to sleep!
April 3, 2019

496: Aromatherapy for Anxiety

Gina shares her knowledge and experience of aromatherapy and essential oils in the context of anxiety. Gina suggests a whole range of oils you can try today and gets specific with five oils.