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Podcast Episodes Catalog

April 29, 2018

399: Insomnia and Anxiety Listener Q and A

Gina explores a great listener question submitted via the speak pipe on the ACP website regarding insomnia and anxiety.
April 25, 2018

398: Letter to Anxiety Listener Q and A

Gina reads a letter from a listener who wrote her anxiety itself a letter. The letter describes her experience of the anxiety, the fight-or-flight response, the wise-mind and how these forces interact and influence her life.
April 22, 2018

397: Classic ACP Anxiety and The Opinions Of Others

Today Gina answers a question about anxiety around the opinions of others. Join in for the why and how to find peace!
April 18, 2018

396: Physical Pain Discomfort and Anxiety

Gina answers a listener question about persistent pain that exists despite medical reports indicating no physiological problems.
April 15, 2018

395: Will Meditation really Help With My Anxiety

Gina describes the immense utility of even a basic meditation practice for essentially any and all anxiety sufferers. Gina reveals a simple process by which listeners of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast may take advantage of the …
April 11, 2018

394: 4 Ways To Help Curb Your Panic

Gina explores steps you can take to find relief from panic attacks and anxiety-panic symptoms. Gina found these tips in a blog post from Jamie Price (see direct link below).
April 8, 2018

393: Guilt and Anxiety Listener Q and A

Gina answers a listener question relating to guilt and anxiety. Tune in for the tips you need to strengthen your repose and enhance your capacity for enduring and limiting your experience of guilt and other adverse feelings …
April 4, 2018

392: How To Get Calm Sharing Leo Baubautas Post

Gina shares with listeners the wisdom of Leo Babauta, who outlines simple steps that can be taken to become more peaceful and calm. Leo follows the advice of his calm motto: "No big deal."
April 1, 2018

391: 10 Touchstones To Use When anxiety Panic Arises

Gina goes through ten touchstones (simple ideas) listeners of the Anxiety Coaches Podcast can use to alleviate their experience of anxiety-panic when it arises.
March 28, 2018

390: Anxiety, Control and Uncertainty

Gina explores the issues surrounding anxiety and uncertainty. Working to develop our skills of trust, surrender and self-acceptance, we can learn to release our requirement for control over our environment.
March 25, 2018

389: Dealing With Anxiety Causing Situations Listener Q and A

Gina explores solutions to a listener question about disassociating the link that forms between situations that have caused anxiety in the past and anxiety itself. Gina's suggestions can help listeners feel safe even in envi…
March 21, 2018

388: Classic ACP Common Anxiety Behaviors

12 Common Anxiety Behaviors are the focus of Gina's episode today. Join in as the signs and red flags of anxiety are discussed.
March 18, 2018

387: Loving Kindness Meditation

In this episode, coach Gina leads a guided meditation of loving kindness. Take a moment for yourself and enjoy the peace and joy inherently available to you at this time.
March 14, 2018

386: Anxiety Coaches Therapists And Counselors

Gina explores the differences between counseling, coaching and therapy. There is not a right or wrong answer to the question of which type of professional helper you want to see.
March 11, 2018

385: Waking In The Middle Of The Night And Anxiety

In this episode Gina Ryan answers a listener question regarding anxiety and sleep. Insomnia is unfortunately very common in adults with one in three having occasional bouts and one in ten adults suffering with chronic insom…
March 7, 2018

384: Using A Mantra With Anxiety Panic

Using a mantra can be a huge calming addition to your life! But cultivating the practice of using a mantra in your meditation or quiet moments you will find it becoming a way to find your center easily and …
March 4, 2018

383: Reducing Stress With Joyful Productivity an Interview With George Kao

Gina has an inspiring conversation with her coach George Kao! Listen in and learn how to keep your to-do list from running your life keeping you in a state of rushing, lack of self-care, and stress! George shares his wisdom …
Feb. 28, 2018

382: Using Desensitization and Progressive Exposure with Anxiety

Desensitization and progressive exposure can be an effective technique in improving anxiety. What we don't want to do is confuse this with white knuckling through things! Listen in for tips and tools to start desensitizing.
Feb. 25, 2018

381: Listener Question Answered Health Anxiety

A listener with health anxiety sent in a speak pipe recorded question. Shannon asks when we don't feel well what can we do to know it's OK to not feel can we feel it's OK to be sick?
Feb. 21, 2018

380: Anxious Thinking vs Wise Mind Thinking

Coming to the realization that all one's thinking isn't true can be a major breakthrough for the anxiety clearing process! Anxiety is very loud and very demanding and we tend to jump when it speaks.
Feb. 18, 2018

379: Anxiety Recovery: Confidence and Handling Uncertainty

Gina shares an "ah-ha" moment from a client! "When the shame is taken away, a natural learning from mistakes happens anyways - so my mind doesn't need to worry about that.
Feb. 14, 2018

378: Why Being Mindful With Anxiety May Be A Struggle For You

Mindfulness is much bigger than you think. If you have moments or days where you feel your mind is like a snow globe of whirling glitter, have difficulty focusing or have a life that is just too full of "to dos" you are in t…
Feb. 11, 2018

377: Letting Go Of Dr. Google

Has Dr. Google ever given you a sense of relief and wellbeing? Maybe it's time to let this doc go for good. Join in today's episode and find the actions you can take to end this disfunctional relationship!
Feb. 7, 2018

376: Health Benefits Of Practicing Gratitude

Gratitude isn't just a nice idea it's healthy for your mind and your body. In today's episode, Gina reviews an article by Dr. Joe Mercola and his take on all the mental and physical health benefits gratitude has to offer.