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Podcast Episodes Catalog

Feb. 4, 2018

375: Anxiety Medications On Off Or Taper

If you are on off or tapering from anti-anxiety medications or antidepressants meditation you are in the right place to learn the lifestyle changes you can make for your well being!
Jan. 31, 2018

374: 15 signs Of Anxiety In Kids And Adults

Kids and adults alike exhibit many signs and symptoms when challenged with anxiety. Listen in to this episode as Gina discusses the 15 signs from an article by Karen Young on kids and anxiety. Interestingly enough these are …
Jan. 28, 2018

373: Worry vs Problem Solving and Anxiety

Action Steps to separate worry from problem-solving. Today Gina takes a look at the difference and how we can move into problem-solving when we find ourselves on the path to worrying.
Jan. 24, 2018

372: Anxiety and Learning to Depend On Yourself For Your Happiness

Over-dependence on another can become a bad habit when entrenched in anxiety-panic. Today Gina takes a look at changes that Matana Williams took to move out of this anxious behavior.
Jan. 21, 2018

371: Anxiety Love and Responsibility with Thom Rutledge

Anxiety and love and what we can do to take responsibility for our own thoughts and actions. Today Gina has returning guest Thom Rutledge for some spot-on wisdom and thoughts from Thom's new book What Love Is.
Jan. 17, 2018

370: 4 Tips To Help Erase Anxious Negativity

So many of our thoughts are subconscious or we are not aware of them and in many many ways that is a good thing. We also tend, when we are challenged with anxiety, to put many thoughts into our subconscious without any aware…
Jan. 14, 2018

369: Anxiety And Living In The Future

Living in the future and in a scary anxious future robs us twice! We lose the present moment where we are safe and sound and then we also submit ourselves to a horror "what if" in the future that is not even here.
Jan. 10, 2018

368: Anxiety and Agoraphobia

Psychology Today says Agoraphobia is translated from Greek as "fear of the marketplace," agoraphobia involves intense fear and anxiety to a real or anticipated place or situation where escape might be difficult. Gina covers …
Jan. 7, 2018

367: 5 Easy Ways To Calm Your Anxious Mind

Sometimes we get surprised by a surge of stress or anxiety today's episode suggests 5 simple ways to reignite your parasympathetic nervous system for peace and calm!
Jan. 3, 2018

366: Anxiety's Resistance To What Is

If you find yourself resistant to what is and your anxiety ramping up try these 4 tips.
Dec. 31, 2017

365: Emotions Anxiety and Our Common Humanity

Coming to terms with the idea that we all as humans have feelings of discomfort, disappointment, and inadequacy we can begin to let go of feeling like victims and have real self-compassion which helps to interrupt the fear -…
Dec. 27, 2017

364: Your Relationship With Anxiety

How we look at and relate to anxiety had a profound impact on our stress levels. Today we consider bringing more compassion and acceptance to our daily dealings with Mr.Anxiety.
Dec. 24, 2017

363: Health Anxiety

Gina takes a look at health anxiety and the challenge with the doctors not finding any physical disease or affliction. Learning that the mind is indeed causing these physical sensations is key in today's episode.
Dec. 20, 2017

362: SAD and Anxiety

Seasonal Affective Disorder, SAD or simply the winter blues can exacerbate anxiety symptoms and sensations. Today Gina shares a number of ways to work around the lack of sun exposure in the winter months.
Dec. 17, 2017

361: Anxiety Exhaustion and Fatigue

Chronic anxiety and panic can be intertwined with exhaustion and fatigue. Listen in today to learn the role exhaustion and fatigue play in your anxiety.
Dec. 13, 2017

360: 3 Ways Of Eating That Can Contribute To Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina takes a look at 3 ways of eating that can be contributing to anxiety-panic. While you may have thought of these particular ways we often need reminders to help us change our old ways to get out of an…
Dec. 10, 2017

359: Phases Of Clearing Anxiety

Ever wonder how long it is going to take to clear your anxiety-panic or recover? Listen in to today's episode and discover how anxiety has many phases and how to stay the course for fully clearing it!
Dec. 6, 2017

358: Anxious vs Mindful Travel

Many will be traveling this holiday season. if you find this extra stressful or ramping up your anxiety join in and listen to today's episode for some awesome mindful travel tips!
Dec. 3, 2017

357: Are You Isolating With Anxiety?

Today, Coach Gina takes a look at how we drop into isolation and how it can work against us as we move through the phases of clearing anxiety-panic.
Nov. 29, 2017

356: Shifting Out Of Anxiety Focused Living

Coach Gina explores the importance of shifting out of anxiety focused living. If you are seeing things through an attitude of gratitude lens, your experience of the world is by default much more peaceful.
Nov. 26, 2017

355: Healing Anxiety With Relaxation

Relaxation! If you think you can't do it listen in for some super easy ideas for relaxing no matter where you are. Using your body as the means to convey the message that all is well.
Nov. 22, 2017

354: Listener Q and A Medication No Longer Working

What to do when you are faced with your medications no longer working? Everything we do here at Anxiety Coaches Podcast can be done if you are on or not on medications.
Nov. 19, 2017

353: Gratitude As a Healing Salve

Where is your focus? Listen in today and hear how a focus on gratitude can be a salve to your soul and move you away from fearful thinking.
Nov. 15, 2017

352: Listener Q and A How to Relax In A Social Situation

Today's episode we have a listener question from the Send Voicemail Tab on our website. Kellie asks about how to deal with building anxiety when in a social setting.