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Podcast Episodes Catalog

Nov. 12, 2017

351: Digital Detox For Anxiety

Use your digital detox as an awareness practice! We love our screens and they serve us well let's keep it that way with awareness.
Nov. 8, 2017

350: Friends and Family How to Talk About Your Anxiety

Many people do not understand anxiety, even anxiety sufferers do not understand anxiety. In this episode, Gina discusses this issue and how to bring the topic up with friends and family.
Nov. 5, 2017

349: The Media's Stressful Effect On Your Mind

We have more access to media today than ever before. It's up to us to decide what we let in and what we believe! The negative bias of most media is anxiety producing, to say the least, listen in and take control over your me…
Nov. 1, 2017

348: Dealing With Anxious And Negative Thoughts

Negative and anxious thoughts can be dealt with by bringing happiness into the equation! Today Gina reviews a post by Dr Joe Mercola on how to be happier.
Oct. 29, 2017

347: You Are So Much More Than Anxiety

You have anxiety moving through you, you feel anxiety! You are not anxiety.
Oct. 25, 2017

346: 5 Tips To Calm Anger And Anxiety

Which came first the anger or the anxiety. Calm them both with these 5 tips.
Oct. 22, 2017

345: Short Daily Meditation Check In

A short meditation to use whenever you need a mindful check-in. This is also a great meditation to use as you increase your time during your practice.
Oct. 18, 2017

344: 5 Tips To Calm Your White Coat Syndrome

Calm your Dr Office visit anxiety with these 5 tips. White Coat Syndrome is that uneasy feeling and spike in stress hormones while to anticipate your physician appointment.
Oct. 15, 2017

343: How To Reduce Anxiety And Enjoy Better Sleep

Being awake in the middle of the night can be unnerving. There are 7 tips in today's episode to help you get the best rest possible even if you wake and can't get back to sleep!
Oct. 11, 2017

342: Panic Attacks Won't Make You Crazy

One of the most asked questions in the group is will the panic attacks make me go crazy? The good news is No! Listen in and find out why.
Oct. 8, 2017

341: Somatic Disorders TMS and Anxiety

How is it that our mind can cause so much pain and anxiety? Today we look at somatic disorders and TMS (The Mind-body Syndrome).
Oct. 4, 2017

340: 4 Steps to Avoid Anxiety By Your Being Aware Of Your Expectations

Expectations and goals when do they help and when do they hurt? Listen in for the value of being aware of when you expectations are dragging you towards the wormhole of anxiety-panic.
Oct. 1, 2017

339: Guided Meditation -You Are OK You Are Safe

Get comfortable for a few moments of guided meditation while seeing the body from a different perspective. We take a look at the thoughts feelings and sensations as they simply pass through the mind and the body.
Sept. 27, 2017

338: Attachment and Anxiety

Attachment keeps us from healing and clearing our anxiety-panic listen in today to learn the 4 practices to get unattached!
Sept. 20, 2017

336: Magnesium's Health Benefits For Anxiety

The wonders of magnesium are uncovered on today's episode. What depletes magnesium, what foods are high in magnesium and how to supplement with it!
Sept. 17, 2017

335: Clearing vs Managing Anxiety

Gina explores the difference between managing, fixing and actually clearing your anxiety-panic. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
Sept. 13, 2017

334: Classic ACP 4 Tips to get Through the Anxiety of Change

We all experience change and quite often so why do we have so many struggles with change? Join in as Gina shares 4 tips to help you make it through your next change!
Sept. 10, 2017

333: Letting Time Pass

Claire Weekes gave us four reminders: Face, Accept, Float and Let Time Pass. Letting time pass is a challenge for so many -listen to today's episode to understand the beauty and importance of letting time pass!
Sept. 6, 2017

332: The Anxious Dozen 6-12

Twelve behaviors that are a signal that your anxiety is bubbling up. Today Gina covers 6-12 of these behaviors and how they will fall away!
Sept. 3, 2017

331: The Anxious Dozen 1-5

Twelve behaviors that are a signal that your anxiety is bubbling up. Today Gina covers 1-5 of these behaviors and how they will fall away!
Aug. 30, 2017

330: Anxiety and Too Much Future

Fear of the future feeding our anxiety and regret or sorrow of the past feeding our depression we find ourselves kept from the place we actually can make changes the present.
Aug. 27, 2017

329: An Oasis in Time with Author Marilyn Paul

Today Gina has a conversation with author Dr. Marilyn Paul on how a day of rest can save your life!
Aug. 23, 2017

328: Listener Q and A Changes in Anxiety Sleep and Diet

A listener asks about changes in anxiety along with changes with their sleep diet and medications. Gina addresses what to do when sleeplessness happens!
Aug. 20, 2017

327 Classic ACP What is Anxiety and How Can You Break Free

Today Gina reviews what anxiety is and points to the way out. What it is, what works and what doesn't for new listeners and a refresher for everyone :)