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Podcast Episodes Catalog

Jan. 6, 2016

158: Stress and Anxiety Early Signs and Interventions

Today's podcast takes a step back to look at the early signs and interventions with stress and anxiety. The AMA estimates that 80% of illness is stress related, today Gina takes a look at the risks, both mental and physical …
Jan. 3, 2016

157: Responding vs Reacting When Anxiety Strikes

Today's episode Coach Gina takes an interesting look at what anxiety is telling us to do. Borrowing from DBT skills Gina shows us how anxiety's commands of leave now, lash out now, stop driving now can all be fodder for the …
Dec. 30, 2015

156: Relaxing Anxiety About Imperfections

On this last episode of 2015 Coach Gina takes a look at the cost of seeking perfection. How using the Japanese view of wabi-sabi (acceptance of imperfection) we can see our anxiety as a gift ...making us and our lives even m…