Free 10 minute Body-Scan Meditation For More Peace and Calm

Podcast Episodes Catalog

May 17, 2023

926: Overcoming Anxiety the Stoic Way: Practical Techniques for Inner Peace

Gina offers listeners an introduction to Stoic philosophy that will be of particular value to helping overcome anxiety. Six key principles of Stoic philosophy are identified and discussed as are four books you can read to h…
May 14, 2023

925: The Art of Waiting and Seeing: Coping with Health Anxiety Listener Q and A

Gina answers a listener question about health anxiety. A useful strategy for coping with health anxiety is shared: the art of waiting and seeing. By becoming more comfortable with the physiological symptoms that so often a…
May 10, 2023

924: Why Breathing Too Much Causes Feelings of Panic

Gina discusses the importance of how we breathe in our experience of and recovery from anxiety. Learn the basics of breathing and why slowing down the breath can do wonders for calming our nervous system. Learn how to brea…
May 7, 2023

923: From Anxious Mind Clutter to Calm: The Practice of Letting Go

Gina discusses mental clutter and how learning to let go can be highly beneficial for our mental health. Five reasons letting go of unneeded thoughts and worries can be beneficial are discussed. Additionally, a number of p…
May 3, 2023

922: Managing Anxiety, Difficult Emotions and Situations with Radical Acceptance

Gina discusses radical acceptance and how we can use this practice to reduce the severity and adverse consequences of anxiety. Radical acceptance is about accepting reality as it is without judgement or resistance. A numbe…
April 30, 2023

921: Knowing Your Happiness and Anxiety Triggers Can Improve Your Life

Gina discusses the importance of focusing on the things that bring happiness and positivity into our lives. By focusing on the things and thoughts that bring us happiness, we bring more benevolent things into our lives and …
April 26, 2023

920: Magnesium: A Miracle Mineral for Managing Anxiety

Gina shares knowledge about the useful mineral supplement magnesium. The general benefits of this essential mineral for our minds and bodies are discussed as are the differences between the many various forms that are avail…
April 23, 2023

919: Classic ACP How To Not Be So Hard On Yourself And Keep Anxiety At Bay

Gina discusses the role of self-criticism in making our anxiety worse and offers a range of practices we can employ today to silence these self-critical voices. Over time we can encourage a new, self-compassionate voice to h…
April 19, 2023

918: Exploring the Feel-Good Chemicals in Our Bodies

In today's episode, Gina discusses the chemicals in our body that contribute to our sense of well-being. Serotonin, dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin are all touched upon and how to increase these feel-good chemicals is shar…
April 16, 2023

917: Understanding Heart Palpitations Caused by Anxiety

Gina draws heavily from her own personal experience and discusses heart palpitations caused by anxiety. There are many things that can cause heart palpitations in association with anxiety, many that are very common. Elimin…
April 12, 2023

916: Breaking the Cycle: How to Choose a Healthy Response to Anxiety

Gina discusses how to develop the ability to choose a healthy response to anxiety when it presents itself. Developing our mindfulness mediation practice will help enable us to choose healthy thoughts in response to our anxi…
April 9, 2023

915: OCD or Looping thoughts Listener Q and A

Gina answers a listener question regarding OCD related intrusive, looping thinking. Gina goes through a number of strategies for coping with and solving the issue of obsessive compulsive thinking. Strengthening our mindful…
April 5, 2023

914: The Benefits of Naming Your Anxiety Developing Self-Awareness and Compassion

Gina responds to a report from a listener regarding naming anxiety with a human name (in this case Betty) and interacting with her anxiety using this name. This strategy is praised, expanded upon and recommended for all lis…
April 2, 2023

913: Ocean of Tranquility Guided Sleep Meditation

Gina shares a guided meditation intended to help you drift effortlessly and peacefully to sleep. Listen to Gina's calming, soothing voice as she softly decribes a simple process for falling to sleep. A soft background trac…
March 29, 2023

912: The Power of Gratitude: How It Affects the Reticular Activating System

Gina discusses a critical part of the brain involved in how sensory information affects your anxiety. Known as the reticular activating system or RAS, this brain system can be implicated in both hyperarousal and dysfunction…
March 26, 2023

911: Caring for Your Mind: The Vitality of Self-Care

Gina shares a number of self-care practices from a variety of different life categories. This list is truly comprehensive and there may be self-care suggestions that you have yet to hear in this episode. From intellectual …
March 22, 2023

910: Understanding the Stress Response: How Your Brain Reacts to Threats

Gina discusses how the brain reacts to threats and how we can use this knowledge to enhance our resilience. Threats in our environment activate the amygdala which in turn actives our bodily fight or flight response. This c…
March 19, 2023

909: 6 Ways to Stay Positive When Everyone Else is Negative

In today's episode, Gina shares six strategies for staying positive even in negative social environments. Staying aloof and focusing on your self are some of the ways we can protect ourselves in such situations. Seeking out …
March 15, 2023

908: Anxious Body Anxious Mind

Gina discusses using our thoughts and our bodies to interrupt the anxiety process in the brain. Remembering that everything we are thinking is not necessarily true and seeking out facts is critical. Learn to ride out the c…
March 12, 2023

907: 11 Ways to Live in the Moment

Gina shares eleven different practices for living in the present moment. Using these techniques, anyone can cultivate a deeper connection with themselves, the environment and the present moment. Letting go of the past and …
March 8, 2023

906: 10 Minute Peaceful Morning Mini Practice

Gina shares an easy to use process for incorporating peaceful, mindful moments into your day. Specifically, this customizable practice begins in the morning shortly after waking. Even the busiest listeners will be able to …
March 5, 2023

905: Over The Counter Medications and Anxiety

In today's episode, Gina discusses common over the counter and prescription medications that can cause anxiety symptoms. This is essential knowledge for anyone suffering from anxiety as overcoming your anxiety could be as si…
March 1, 2023

904: Strategies for Reducing Stress About Sleep

Gina discusses a number of ways to tame your response to sleepless moments in the middle of the night. Through reducing our stress response to those moments in which we find ourselves awoken from sleep long before our day b…
Feb. 26, 2023

903: Let Go Of Anxious Victim Mentality

Gina discusses how to let go of the victim mentality that is so often associated with chronic anxiety. Identifying as a victim can have significant effects on our ability to succeed and change our lives. Five strategies fo…