1:1 Coaching with Coach Gina 

Coaching for individual support and guidance.
Phone or online (zoom) Anxiety Coaching is about teaching you skills, providing support and accountability, and helping with motivation. 
As your anxiety coach, I will help you learn how anxiety works, understand how you can calm your body and mind, and break the anxiety cycle!

I look forward to walking with you as you clear your anxiety-panic for life. 

Tap the link for more information
1:1 Coaching with Coach Gina 


Group Coaching

Group Coaching: Find Calm, Courage, and Connection

When you join ACP Group Coaching, you’re stepping into a safe and supportive space where healing happens through understanding, connection, and growth.

Feel Less Alone
You’re not the only one facing anxiety, and knowing others share your experiences can lift a huge weight off your shoulders. You’ll find comfort in the support of people who truly get it.

Feel Calmer and More at Ease
Through proven techniques, shared insights, and group encouragement, you’ll discover ways to quiet your mind, relax your body, and bring more peace into your daily life.

Feel Less Fearful
Anxiety can make the world feel overwhelming, but together, we’ll work on building courage. As you practice new skills and see progress, your fears will begin to lose their grip.

Feel Encouraged and Empowered
Every success, no matter how small, is celebrated here. With the group’s support, you’ll gain confidence in your ability to manage anxiety and take steps toward the life you deserve.

Feel Connected and Supported
Healing alongside others fosters connection and compassion. You’ll be part of a community that lifts you up, listens without judgment, and celebrates your progress.

Feel Hopeful and Inspired
Witnessing others heal and grow fills you with hope for your own journey. You’ll see what’s possible and be inspired to keep moving forward, one step at a time.

ACP Group Coaching Membership:
Support, calm, and courage—all month long!

There’s no need to walk this healing path alone. Start today and join an inspiring and compassionate group of people who are healing and growing every day.

Feel the difference. Heal together.

People gain so much hope when they know they are not experiencing something alone and so much joy from healing together! 

ACP Group Coaching Membership Support all month long! 

No need to travel the healing path alone! You can start TODAY. Join an inspiring and compassionate group
of people healing and growing every day.


Access over 900 Ad-Free Premium episodes
An online community
230+ Anxiety Clearing Skill Sheets Library
Group coaching calls every month
All to help further your
healing journey to become anxiety-free for life.       


Full Members:
❤2X a month One Hour Zoom Group Coaching Session (Thursdays @ 7:00 pm ET) with Coach Gina Including:

-Guided Meditation

- Check-in and question-and-answer period (coaching)

-Have your questions answered even if you can't attend live by submitting your question via email or the Facebook group before the call

-Group Call recording emailed to you (full members) the same day of the call

Full and Mini Members:
❤ 230+ Anxiety Clearing Skill Sheets Library

❤ Access to the SUPERCAST PREMIUM AD-FREE podcast feed (this includes the entire back-catalog of ACP episodes at your fingertips)

❤ Members Facebook Group for Community and Coach Support all month long

❤ Awesome, dedicated, and inspiring community walking with you as you clear your anxiety/panic for life

This is a monthly membership with a monthly recurring charge.
Cancel anytime to stop the next month's charge from your dashboard. 

$97 USD/month subscription FULL Members
$27 USD/month subscription MINI Members


I'd love to see you in the group TODAY ❤


Am I a good fit for the group?
If you are a listener of The Anxiety Coaches Podcast and have wondered about how you could take your self-healing and clearing of your anxiety to another level, you are a GREAT fit!
If you have a desire to finally do what it takes to move out of anxiety/panic for life, you are also a GREAT fit!

How do I access the full members twice for monthly calls?
Full members are invited to a call with Coach Gina twice a month on Thursdays at 7 PM ET. The calls are held on ZOOM. Members who participate online (smartphone or computer) can keep their cameras off or on. Members who call in will have audio only available.
The Calls are recorded (audio only), and the recordings are sent out to FULL members later the same day.

I can’t attend the call live, but I have a question: what do I do?
All Full Members can ask questions through the Reminder Post in the Facebook Group before the call time, and it will be answered during the call. The recording is sent later the same day. No need to miss out!

How do I access the 230+Skill Sheets?
The Library of 230+ Skill Sheets is available in the Facebook Group in the “Guides” Section.

What is the ACP Supercast Premium Ad-Free Premium Access?
The ACP Supercast Premium Ad-free Premium Access is your way of accessing more than 900 episodes of Ad-Free on your favorite podcast app. This Premium Feed gives you access to the entire back catalog of years of your favorite ACP shows. These episodes are all remastered to be Ad-Free for even more peace and calm. You can access this on your favorite app at no extra cost once you become a member!

How much time will all this take each week?
The beauty of the Group Coaching Membership is that YOU decide how much time to utilize the Facebook Group and the practices you set up from the guidance you receive in the group through the Skill Sheets and the Group Calls (Full Members). Checking into the Facebook Group to see if your question was answered or if you want to offer support or inspiration to another member is easy. It can really help you have a feeling of connection with those who get it! This need not take much time at all and is a wonderful use of social media :)

How much do I have to interact with the Facebook group?
We are all different in how much we want to interact. Many members are very active, and others are in a read-only mode - gleaning information and wisdom from the membership without posting or commenting. It is totally up to you!

How do I connect with Coach Gina in the Group?
If you have something that you want to be sure Gina sees, all you have to do is “tag” her in the post or comment. She is in there daily, commenting and helping, and sees most posts, but it’s best to add the tag to be sure!

How do I cancel my membership?
You can cancel your membership anytime by going to https://app.gumroad.com/login/ with the email you signed up with. You will not be charged again. You can also email anxietycoachespodcast@gmail.com to request that your membership be canceled.

Be Well!

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