Coach Gina shines a positive light on anxiety today by discussing how we can cultivate mindfulness and more peaceful living through our anxiety. Looking at the anxiety as a part of our life that enabled us to seek deeper and more conscious ways of living.
In Today's episode coaches Gina and Rachel answer one of Anxiety Coaches Podcast listener's question on those spinning intrusive thoughts. Join in as we read and answer the Q.
Join in as Gina discusses the "second brain"...the brain in your gut and how it influences your anxiety. Included are probiotics, prebiotics and all the foods that bring them to your gut!
In this episode of The Anxiety Coaches Podcast Gina takes us to Thailand with The Story of The Golden Buddha. Could anxiety be the crack in your protective coating, and the thing that sets your inner brilliance free?
Thoughts, beliefs and stories --join in today's episode as Gina explores how we have told ourselves a story of anxiety and how we can examine our thoughts as a way out!
Coach Gina looks at set backs and relapse and how they can be turned around to be more like bumps in the road that give us an opportunity to practice our skills and hone the tools we have gathered along the way.
In today'e episode Anxiety Coaches Podcast Coach and Host Gina Ryan chats with guest and Tapping expert Gene Monterstelli. Tapping also known as Emotional Freedom Technique has great promise for anxiety relief. Listen in as Genes shares his personal story of overcoming Anxiety-Panic.
Today's show Gina speaks with her daughter and Centering Summit Creator-- Alli Kennedy about what Centering and Grounding are and how to use them to help with your anxiety.
In today's episode Anxiety Coaches Podcast Host Gina Ryan answers a question sent in by a podcast listener. Kristen asks about her health anxiety and how to deal with it.
Today's episode brings very special guest Dr Rick Hanson. Rick's work in neuroscience, psychology and contemplative practices brings us a well rounded look at moving from Fear and Anxiety to All is Well!
This show takes an look at an interesting and fun tool for anxiety-panic, the Bach Flower Remedies. Gina walks us through the 2 of the 7 emotional categories for flower remedies: For those who have fear and for those who suffer uncertainty.
In this episode Gina answers podcast listener Michelle's question about setting goals and avoiding the anxious and difficult feelings that come if we fall short of reaching the goal.
Today's episode brings the wisdom of Author Michele Rosenthal who suffered with PTSD for over 25 years and is is 100% PTSD free now for over 10 years! Gina and Michele explore where healing begins and how you too can clear your anxiety-panic and PTSD.
In this episode Gina talks with Coach Rachel about an insightful piece one of Rachel's clients wrote about her anxiety. The surf is commonly used when we discuss anxiety join us as we read and discuss one client's perspective.
In today's episode Gina discusses some of the lifestyle tips that are recommended for increasing the brains own production of the neurotransmitter serotonin and decreasing the neurotransmitter dopamine. Optimal brain chemistry combined with insight is the real healer!
In this episode Coach Gina talks about the need for personal space and how we tend to lose it in our day to day activities. Ideas for how to find more personal space where the nervous system can relax and heal are included.
Distraction can work for us or against us. In this episode coach Gina helps us find when to distract, when it's a bad idea, and 6 different ways to use distraction to help us calm our over sensitized nervous systems.